Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2011

Ujian Personaliti

pilih gambar yang anda rasakan amat menarik...

Gambar 1 (carefree, playful, cheerful)
Anda sukakan kehidupan yang bebas dan spontan. Dan anda cuba menikmati kehidupan anda semaksimanya, dengan motto hidup, “hidup ini hanya sekali”.
Anda sungguh terbuka dan begitu ingin tahu kepada sesuatu perkara yang baru, dan anda sentiasa berkembang dengan perubahan. Tiada yang lebih teruk, melainkan jika anda merasa terikat dengan sesuatu. Anda berhadapan dengan persekitaran secara serba boleh, dan sentiasa menjanjikan sesuatu yang mengejutkan.

Gambar 2 (independent, unconventional, unfettered)
You demand a free and unattached life for yourself that allows you to determine your own course. You have an artistic bent in your work or leisure activities. Your urge for freedom sometimes causes you to do exactly the opposite of what expected of you.
Your lifestyle is highly individualistic. You would never blindly imitate what is “in”; on the contrary, you seek to live according to your own ideas and convictions, even if this means swimming against the tide.

Gambar 3 (introspective, sensitive, reflective)
You come to grips more frequently and thoroughly with yourself and your environment than do most people. You detest superficiality; you’d rather be alone than have to suffer through small talk. But your relationships with your friends are highly intensive, which gives you the inner tranquility and harmony that you need in order to feel good. You do not mind being alone for extended periods of time; you rarely become bored.

Gambar 4 (down to earth, well-balanced, harmonious)
You value a natural style and love that which is uncomplicated. People admire you because you have both feet planted firmly on the ground and they can depend on you. You give those who are close to you security and space. You are perceived as being warm and human. You reject everything that is garish and trite. You tend to be skeptical toward the whims of fashion trends. For you, clothing has to be practical and unobtrusively elegant.

Gambar 5 (professional, pragmatic, self-assured)
You take charge of your life, and place less faith in your luck and more in your own deeds. You solve problems in a practical, uncomplicated manner. You take a realistic view of the things in your daily life and tackle them without wavering. You are given a great deal of responsibility at work, because people know that you can be depended upon.
Your pronounced strength of will projects your self-assurance to others. You are never fully satisfied until you have accomplished your ideas.

Gambar 6 (peaceful, discreet, non-aggressive)
You are easy-going yet discreet. You make friends effortlessly, yet enjoy your privacy and independence. You like to get away from it all and be alone from time to time to contemplate the meaning of life and enjoy yourself. You need space, so you escape to beautiful hideaways, but you are not a loner. You are at peace with yourself and the world, and you appreciate life and what this world has to offer.

Gambar 7 (analytical, trustworthy, self-assured)
‘Kepekaan dalam sedetik’ menunjukkan anda mempunyai kualiti yang tinggi dan mampu bertahan lama. Kesannya, anda suka dikelilingi oleh “permata-permata kecil”, di mana anda akan menjumpai apa yang menyebabkan mereka dipandang oleh orang ramai.
Oleh itu, budaya memainkan peranan penting di dalam hidup anda. Anda telahpun menjumpai style anda yang tersendiri, yang elegan dan ekslusif, terkecuali daripada tingkah laku fesyen orang lain. ‘Kesempurnaan’pada anda, berdasarkan cara hidup anda, adalah mengikuti lunas-lunas budaya. Anda menghargai sesuatu tahap budaya seperti yang anda kongsikan dengan rakan terdekat.

Gambar 8 (romantic, dreamy, emotional)
You are a very sensitive person. You refuse to view things only from a sober, rational standpoint. What your feelings tell you is just as important to you. In fact, you feel it is important to have dreams in life, too.
You reject people who scorn romanticism and are guided only by rationality. You refuse to let anything confine the rich variety of your moods and emotions.

Gambar 9 (dynamic, active, extroverted)
You are quite willing to accept certain risks and to make a strong committment in exchange for interesting and varied work. Routine, in contrast, tends to have a paralyzing effect on you.
What you like most is to be able to play an active role in events. In doing so, your initiative is highly pronounced.

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